What are these "creative" types wandering around presenting us with new ideas and colors and textures to our beings that we didn't ask for?
How are we to react to this explosion of our normal behavior?
Do we pause and listen and look?
Or do we run away?
It is not our normal! It is different!
But it is interesting and the fascination draws us closer.
It is our human behavior to discover new things.
So journey on into the unknown.
What is your passion?
Have you ever tried to figure it out?
Music? Art? Crafts? Writing? .....
You may be working at a job that is just a job. Employment bringing in a paycheck. These are necessary decisions for survival, but there is a passion down deep inside that makes YOU what you are.
So make time to feed your passion.
Perhaps take a sketch pad to lunch and make a few pencil scratches while have a conversation.
Take a minute on the bus to jot down some phrases that have caught your ear during the day.
Set aside an hour to depart from the everyday worries to venture into a world of sound and color.
Be sure to tell others that is not about them, it is about YOU.
Everyone needs some time to feed your passion.
That sounds easy but where does it come from?
Each of us have thought patterns swirling in our heads, but we don't know what to do with them.
Some become mathematicians combining numbers into formulas which create new solutions.
Some become writers finding a pattern of words that excite our visions.
Some become painters splashing color into a pallet from their dreams for us to share.
but when put on a deadline to be creative?
No one can assign time or space for creativity. It comes when it wants to.
Maybe in the middle of the night in a dream or on a walk or perhaps while watching the rain.
The rain might just be the usual summer refreshment, but it can spark a thought or a notion that can lead to a story or vision or song.
Water falling from the sky into puddles increasing with intensity until like a symphony crashes into a crescendo of thunder the the blinding flash of lightning more intense than any light show.
So close your eyes during the next rain and see what you find.
When you go to a market or a retail establishment, there are signs and displays directing your eyes to products that they wish to sell.
The same process has to be realized by an artist.
Every painting, dance, song, creation must be present to a public which may not understand the thought process that created it.
So to introduce your audience establish a comfort zone for them to observe and learn to appreciate the effort.
Teach the viewer techniques, processes, and experimentation to accomplish the final resolve.
With this information, the audience can make an informed decision on whether they approve or not the outcome.
And also understand, it is not personal. Learn from the feedback and continue.
I've been away for awhile. Forgot my password and changed my email and was just too busy with another blog "Just Another Life".
But enough about me. Back to being creative.
I've been writing all kinds of stuff and even wrote a few songs, but have not put much media on paper. Can't seem to find the motivation.
And this week doesn't look much better. Hundred plus degrees makes working with ink and paint and paper a little difficult. Always wiping and waiting for it to dry.
Besides, working in impressive heat is only good if it is real messy. Lots of room to throw things around and not care. Heat draws you out while cold draws you in.
Still the ideas flow and a catch phrase or light movement burns it's way into the gray mass and will remain until the time is right.
and when the time it right, create.