As an artist, experimentation is key. A painter has many mediums and
pallets, a dancer has styles from ballet to free form, a writer has science
fiction to historical novels, a musician has classical to rock and roll, a
singer has religious choir to solo rap each giving the artist trials of what
works best for their techniques and preference.
Once presented to the public (and critics) the artist must decide to
continue with that particular style or go in a different direction. If the work
is popular it could continue the financial security but stifle the creative
urge to explore. Plus the taste of the public is fickle.
An artist, who can make a ‘name’ for themselves through media coverage
and promotion, can carry on so that anything done will be considered art due to
celebrity. Will the ‘art’ become a corporation stifling creativity?
Think of the bands that came out with a hit record only to fade away.
The record companies want another bestseller and the management wants
additional funds for photo sessions, interviews, write-ups, and tour dates to
promote the last hit, yet maybe there is domestic tension within the members
and the writing fails to succeed in the sophomoric record. Few will get a
chance for a third try.
Good luck.