You are creative.
Everyone has the power creative, but many do not understand the magic.
They suppress the wonder and rot in routine.
But you have found the gift.
It wasn’t written on the back of your birth certificate or taught in any
classroom. It was presented to you and you accepted it. (Alison Leslie Gold)
Even through weak eyes and dirty glasses you view the wonders so many
miss. You can’t help it.
As if in some weird psychedelic visual the blades of grass and the
shadows and the bird songs that many pass by is your pallet. The colors nature
presents that no one can match change before your eyes everyday. How can people
not appreciate the sky and clouds but be restrained to the domain of dullness?
How do you explain this wonder to another? A few seem to be in the club
with the secret handshake and will freely converse in their interpretations of
our combined experiences.
This creativity does have its obligations. This creative stuff needs to
be expressed.
The ‘others’ will come admire your presentation and wonder why they
cannot do that (of course we all know, they can)
The ability is in all of us, like breathing, but we have to realize the
gift and us it.

What they didn’t tell you, it doesn’t go away.
You sleep only brings dreams of macaroni and bank robberies and dirty old
buildings. The morning brings a new amazing blank screen that will make each
day a lasting memory.
How long with this pixie-dust last, is unknown. The grandfather smile
before he closed his eyes may have been a sign if anyone noticed. The quilt
passed down and added onto through the generations may have a bigger story to
Age is slowing down the body, but not the ability to enjoy the visions
and the sounds and the thoughts that flood the mind. When that goes?
Take time to listen to a street musician or a corner shop poet. They are
trying to express themselves without the costly promotion and marketing. This
creativity is all around and it is free.
This post is coming to an end, but in every corner of the room, the light
reflecting off the screen, the tapping of the keys, the imagined dance steps to
the music, and I’m lucky enough to participate.
Now that is something to be thankful for.