Sunday, December 30, 2018


Put a pen or pencil to an empty page and scribble some lines to form a letter. Connect that letter with another letter and form a word. Line up a bunch of words and make a sentence. Collect several sentences with the same thought and form a paragraph. Gather the paragraphs in order and you have written a book.
There seems to be some mystic about authors who write books. Anyone can write a book. We all have something to say and books are a good way to tell others.
I probably read this in the 70’s like all the other radical writings of the time, but didn’t know about the library.
What a great idea, a library reservoir for unpublished books to be available for anyone to read.
I worked at the local public library during college. I was never a good student or an avid reader so the library was just another room I didn’t venture into.
In college I became aware of the behind-the-scenes activity of running this massive storage house for pubic consumption of knowledge. I was working in the middle of the Internet of the time with resources most don’t appreciate.
Here were books written on every subject imaginable purchased by the city to be cataloged for easy access and with only a library card (sorta like a ‘terms and conditions’ agreement to your browser) and you can take a book(s) home and read them at your leisure with a promise to bring them back.
The artificial intelligence at the time was called a librarian. They would guide your request to the proper room for browsing or sending one of the pages to retrieve your reading.
The only request in the library was to be QUIET!
This blog “Just Another Life” is an unpublished book or journal or continuing thought process of one person’s point of view that was started 10 years ago as a challenge and grew from silliness to deep personal reactions to topical thoughts never spoken to another human out loud. There are even pictures.
Instead of printing the pages and binding the pages and trying to find fame and fortune with constant book reviews and signing tours, I posted my thoughts online for anyone to read or comment.
As I express many times, everyone has something to say. Whether it be combining words or painting on canvas or singing out loud or shuffling around the floor, we all express ourselves. It is our dialog with humanity.
With a click we can now instantly search for any question from DIY techniques with visual variations to how to boil water and even an on line encyclopedia (don’t forget to donate) that is as current as your refresh button can handle.
What do you say?