Sunday, December 1, 2019

How was your performance today?

After you stop laughing, you’ll know it is true.
Everyday after you open up your eyes and roll out of whatever you’ve been resting on you begin your performance.
It might not be as an actor or a singer or a fast-talking flimflam sales person, but you are presenting yourself to the world everyday.
What your wear, comb your hair, how you walk, how you talk and what you say, hand gestures, what you drive, where you shop and what you eat all are part of your daily presentation.
The person sleeping in a cardboard box by the side of the road might not give the greatest performance of humankind, but it is all part of the show. The faces we listen to on the screen hold the optimum of presentations and that is why they are there. These are people who we believe are trustworthy and almost noble enough for their words to affect our lifestyles.
Preachers are good at presentations. Used car sales people are good at presentations. Doctors rely on diplomas on the wall for they are behind mask. Robbers are too and don’t present themselves well.
To get employed, there is a presentation. To get a romantic partner, there is a presentation. Some will require background checks and others will require jewelry. Medical professionals want to present themselves as sterile while military professionals want to appear dirty and tough. A teacher should appear smart while a boss should act like a leader instead of just playing golf and buying his boss drinks.
Most of us appear in a uniform of some sort or another, whether it is a fire or police or sports or insurance agents. The folks who pick up and hall away your garbage do not wear three-piece suits.
When we return home after a busy day at whatever we do for hours to earn cash, we change into our comfy clothing. Why don’t we dress like this all the time?
At the end of the day we slip into our footy PJs or flannel nightgowns and try to remember our script for the following day.