We are V I D E O
There were still photos. We had to describe who was in the photo and what it meant. 8MM home movie showed some crude action, but no sound. MTV brought music videos promoting with sound and action and color a 3-minute clip.
Now everyone has a cell phone with a video camera built in. Videos can be captured and emailed or posted on social media for a select audience to view and spread until they become viral and videos or the video are posted on news sites adjusting cultural communication.
In other words, talking or emails have become passe. News talking heads are on video clips. Weather is seen by videos taken from bystanders. Every event (planned or spontaneous) will be filmed by groups and shown from every angle with selfie commentary.
So now, instead of spreading out the newspaper and reading articles of a journalist investigating a story or an opinionated editorial, there is a minute and a half of some jerky video taken from a camera phone.
If I see you face-to-face, I won’t know what to say. I’ll have to take a selfie and post it on your (formerly Twitter) X page or your Facebook profile or your Instagram or Pinterest or TikTok…etc.
Stay tuned.