Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Makes You So Special?

Whether writing a resume or in an interview, the possible employer wants to know what makes you so special? What makes you stand out from the crowd?
The same is true of an artist or a dancer or a musician or a writer. As any talent show on television shows, there are millions who think they have a special something that will make them rich and famous if only someone will notice.
Some will dye their hair some strange color or act weird in crowds to get attention. Some will wear brightly colored clothing to stand out from the crowd. Some will withdraw into a dark place to appear different and some will battle with their demons to get media attention.
There are a whole industry of managers and agents and manipulators who can for a special identity for you to become to be special. Is this really you? 
Do you have enough internal fortitude to make it on your own? Did you practice and study and rehearse and stand before the critics naked to the bone to just fit into a mold? 
Even if we think we have the best ideas or the most wonderful creative talent, there are a lot of others who think the same.
So plan to present your special with a positive attitude and don’t take it too seriously if you fail. Get back up and climb back on that horse.
Follow your dream.

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