Thursday, July 16, 2015

I Want Your Money

What is wrong with that?

I want your money. No really, I want YOUR money. What is wrong with that?
People grow up to start enterprises or join an already established business for employment providing them with enough funds for food and shelter. As families grow, more money is needed to live comfortably.
So we work for profit. The money beyond what is necessary to pay wages and other expenses to manufacture ideas, products, and other necessary items consumers will purchase.
Profit allows for growth of the company and more money for the owner. The higher the profit means children can go to better schools, bigger houses, fancier clothing, and fancy cars: all the items we aspire to. That is if all the workers get to share in the ‘profit’ of their hard work?
But if you are not an established business or have an excellent credit status, you need money. The banks have money. There are also others who have money and are available to acquire funds with the right presentation or begging.
That is right. Begging is necessary to get someone else’s’ money. You can also present false promises and broken dreams, but whether online or face-to-face it is begging.
What are the folks with the wad of cash in their pockets going to do? Are they going to part with their hard earned (even if not by them) cash for some foolhardy idea or promise?
Somehow this seems to work. Take a look at the political campaign contributions that are flooding in for an array of faces with false promises and silly rhetoric.
So with the right public relations and networking, you too can make millions from other people’s money. What do you have to lose?

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