Friday, March 2, 2018

Stage Presences

Persona grata is always a positive and rewarding and sometimes financially beneficial to an artist.
An artist, no matter what category, must sell themselves to an audience to be recognized, thus a stage presence is necessary to not only sell your work but your value.
Some of the earliest painters worked the hierarchy of the nobles for grants to create. Now art and craft fairs dot the landscape offering imagination and artisan with a value to recover cost of materials and time to continue the creative journey.
Have you ever watched a play? A presentation of words and songs and everyone on the stage is moving and making a moment to remember. The same is true with a rock concert or a dance or even an orchestration event.
While an orchestra sits still in there black uniforms, the conductor keeps the audience amused until all can stand to get their applause. A singer on a stool with a guitar must keep the crowd interested before the sound of laugher and bottles clinking drown out the message.
Politicians work-the-room very well. Pointing out people of importance or acknowledging those who are paying attention.
So artist, get off your holier-than-though and welcome people to your art. Learn to interact with the common folk who are just venturing by to see what there is to see. Make a connection and that ‘stage presence’ will turn into dollars filling your wallet.
Break out of your shell and give it a try.

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