Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Want to be creative in a pandemic?

Painters and dancers and musical performers are all in a funk over this pandemic. There is plenty of time but every theatre; club, museum or other platform to show creative works is closed.

Most creative’s would normally appreciate this free time but this time is not inspiring. This time is covered in a cloud of anticipation and fear.

Everyone is writing dark novels about apocalypse. Mix in some religion and it would be a best seller.

Filmmakers are making scary movies on Zoom and handheld phones with unknown actors to upload to their websites.

Painters can make landscapes or skylines but there will be no people and people like faces to relate to. Photographers will have the same problem; a pallet without a cast.

Dancers can dance in the kitchen but if you dance outside you maybe hauled away or if you decide to perform at the grocery store stay two carts apart. Clean up on aisle 8.

Now songwriters can have a field day. With a single guitar or a piano and a piece of paper and pencil, the next Billboard hit could be knocked out. If you have a computer you can record multiple tracks and upload to an array of sites to get noticed or have your song stolen.

If you want to write a pop song, make it about a relationship. All the hit pop songs are written about a relationship forming or enjoyed or breaking up. To prove my point, look at the Beatle’s catalogue.

Write that dark end-of-the-world song for heavy metal or trash talk rap but they will not be chosen for your wedding tunes. Try a slow dance to Motley Crew.

Hope you get inspired in these dire times.

Oh, and turn off the television.

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