Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Let’s Make a Music Video


So, you’ve been sitting in your bedroom with your cheap guitar and three chords and have written the next top-of-the-pops Billboard #1 hit. You’ve even recorded it on a cassette deck and are ready to make the big time.

You could try to upload it in hopes that enough ears will listen to it and offer you a recording deal for streaming worldwide or someone might hear it and like you’re singing or writing or tune and sample it to reap the financial rewards and buy that fancy car and mansion up in the hills.

First you need a video. Every piece of music has to have a video. Since the beginning with MTV, to promote your hit single requires a video and now it is easier than ever to make your name appear on all the festivals and late-night shows.

If you are a combo band and unless one of you are fantastically cute, you might need quick cuts and lots of running around. That is all they did with the Beatles ‘Hard Day’s Night’ and they wore suits…in black and white.

If you are a solo singer, you can set the mood of the song with location and just wandering around. There are enough filters on your phone to match the mood.

You may need to have some assistance combining the sound and the video to the beat but there is plenty of free software out there and videos to show you the way.

Now you are ready to upload your 2-minute music video to YouTube or Tik Tock or Instagram or whatever the latest incarnation of distracted watching. If you don’t get viral hits and become the next name to remember until we forget, you have taken up some space on some foreign computer on the cloud.


Good Luck!

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