Monday, November 19, 2012

Applause please

Having worked on both sides I wonder why certain jobs get applause? Celebrities or performing artist or political figures get applause when they inter a room. Rock shows and symphonies and Broadway shows get applause when their act is over.
But what about the rest of us?
Does anyone show approval for the daily struggle to provide for the family by working for someone else for a paycheck and if you accomplish the goals can possibility get a raise every now and then. Does that show appreciation for the effort?
Recently I was at an outdoor art fair walking pass tent after tent of people displaying their creations. Some were full time artisans while others portrayed works as a side business or hobby. How many hours or days or months did each put into their carvings or paintings or jewelry or textile works only to be passed by as a stream of others who do not take the time or effort to be creative walk by. 
And those who wander through the museum observing items chosen by ages to be classics do they show approval of what they see? In silence they shuffle through talent long since gone but still admired. Perhaps their presents offer enough appreciation for the artist’s vision.
So while we momentarily approve of the famous or their presentation by clapping our hands together, shouldn’t we show the same for the factory worker or the insurance salesperson or the doctor or trash collector for they all do a valuable contribution to our lives. 
Put your hands together. 

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