Monday, November 12, 2012

What is your favorite color?

Again it has been a while since I used this platform, but I realized there are lots of others out here who have ideas, opinions, and tips for trying to be creative. 
So I will continue to present ideas or listen to opinions or even share some old tips from my catalog of knowledge on the subject but will temper my writing with some odd comments that might just make the reader think. That was the idea in the first place.
So I will ask, “what is your favorite color?” 
As a graphic person I started out with a box of crayons. Eight little waxy color sticks wrapped in paper. Primary colors on a limited size newsprint paper were my pallet. 
Then there were more colors and more colors. The medium changed from crayons to pencils to ink to paint. The paper changed to canvas and the art turned into blending available colors into new variations. 
A vast array of possibilities presented themselves to me, but was it too many?
I look upon an orchestra and think of the third chair violin. He or she will not get the solo parts or the accolades from the conductor but will accept the applause the same as the first chair. There is a reason to be there and without that part of the orchestra something would be missing.
The same is true for the performer who works in the background behind the leads. They fill in and present the substance for the lead dancer or singer to work from.  
Like the painter who exhibits in a gallery next to others, some know and revered and others struggling, without their presentation there is no variety. 
So as I look at the box of colors they are all important.  

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