Friday, October 18, 2013

Interesting Question

After waking at five this morning to a neighbor’s truck that sounds like a tank, then hearing more trees trimming, I decided it was time for coffee. It is suppose to be a sunny cool day so I take off through the neighborhood. There are not a lot of Halloween decorations around this year. Spiders seem big, but I’ve not seen any of those half buried bodies coming out of the ground yet.
As I traveled I had the usual question to myself. “What will I have for lunch?” “Burgers” today, “Pizza” tomorrow. It is all settled.
Then I think of all the questions we are asked, but cannot or will not answer.

“Do you make a lot of money?”

“Do you love me?”

“Did I make you feel good?”

“Are you happy?”

“Will you be mine?”

“Did you do that?”

But the big question yesterday was in the e-mail. Some person who I have no idea said they’d read one of my blogs and offered an invitation to a new site to post stories. I hadn’t heard of the site, so I Google it and the site was real. It even looked pretty good.

I like the concept.

“ReadWave is a new place for sharing 3-minute stories.

We believe that 3 minutes is all it takes to tell a story that can change your life. We call these stories ReadWaves. 
A ReadWave can be about anything - a confession, an experience, and an inspiration a life-changing decision or even something fictional.” 
It looks legit enough and the price “FREE” is right, but I wondered. I read a couple of stories and they were very clever and well written. So what would be the harm? 
The question was “How did this person find my e-mail address?”
So I did a little more searching and found a blog site discussing the request made to others from this ReadWave. I guess in today’s security conscience society, any message by anyone must be examined. 
Writing is a personal expression, just like painting or playing music or dancing. It can be posted for all to see or secured to only a few. The words can be copied or protect by copyright laws. The ideas behind he writing could be original or mulled over for centuries.
I think I read this ReadWave site for a couple of months before deciding. That is just the way I am, but I will suggest you take a look and give me your opinions.

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