Saturday, November 21, 2015

What do you want?

I am here to please you

Not really, I am creating art. My art. My ideas, thoughts and passions are created for me. My feelings expressed in paint or sound or movement.
You, the viewer, are a participant in my experiment to show or tell my inner most wonders and hope you understand.
If you appreciate it and applaud, don’t forget to drop a few coins in the tip bucket.
An artist doesn’t work for minimum wage. An artist does not have an insurance plan. An artist does not have a 401k or a pension. An artist does have a passion to create and present their feelings where few where venture.
To make a living wage or at least a means of sustenance’s, an artist must conform to the general public’s whims. No matter how extreme or revolutionary an artist might consider their work is, to earn a living the works must sell.
The public can be persuaded to appreciate radical ideas and with enough positive critical response believes whatever the artwork is worth the price. If the artist can make a name or an icon of themselves, anything after that can be thrown together and sell.
For the rest of us, we must cater to the public’s whims. If they want flowers or unicorns or swan dances or Bach tributes, we will comply. A background dancer on a Beyonce video or a oboe player in the Boston Pops or a mural painter in Milwaukee or the bass player for Paul Simon will make a sustainable living wage without pleasing you…the public.
The most creative ideas and thoughts must be put aside for they might appeal or might not and to feed a family and afford travel the artist or performer or musician or creator will put aside personal passion to present art to please you.

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