Saturday, January 22, 2022

Don’t come if you are only bringing your Speech


We all have opinions. We all have passions. We all have agendas.

Some of these can become a personality.

Teachers give speeches called lesson plans. If their audience is not sleepy or distracted or paying attention, with some notes and additional study and research, they may pass the test.

Preachers give speeches called sermons. If their audience (called congregation) is not too sleepy or distracted or paying attention, with Bible study and hymns, they might get to heaven.

Doctors give speeches called diagnosis. If their audiences are more doctors confirming or denying a medical thesis or patients hearing strange terms for what may be killing them and what is needed to stay alive, they could be written in medical journals and placed on the shelf.

Entrepreneurs give speeches called business plans. If their audiences are speculators or investors promising to make a profit over a pie in the sky idea, they could become millionaire moguls of industry or in deep debt.

Politicians give speeches. These are the words spoken to the voters giving repeated promises without any conclusions, except to get elected for another term.

Potential employees give speeches called applications or resumes. These are the words to persuade an employer to hire you with agreed upon salary and benefits and responsibilities and requirements, to start a career and save for retirement.

Every movement, trend, campaign are presented to the public with speeches. They maybe brief interviews or lengthy lecture, discourse, oration, declamation, deliverance, presentation, valedictory, homily, diatribe, monologue or soliloquy.

Some people are so ingrained in a movement, trend, campaign or just strong opinion that is all they speak about. If you notice social media, comments become speeches, and some are very irrational.

When there are face-to-face gatherings, we want to hear about family and friends, not speeches. We want some personal thoughts and ideas, accomplishes and failures, those tidbits the rest of us can talk about when you are not there.

So when we get together, leave your speeches at home. I don’t want to hear them.

Everything we say to each other are only lies anyway.

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