Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Let’s Write A Song


It is said to get your thoughts straight, write them down. It could be a to-do list or a thoughtful sentence or a paragraph or a page or a book or the next great American novel.

Or it could be a poem.

Take that earworm you’ve been humming in your head and combine the two.

You’ve written a song.

If you play the guitar or piano you can accompany yourself (doesn’t work as well with a tuba). Sing it while you are washing dishes or doing laundry or for good echo, singing in the shower.

Now you should record it so you can share it with all your friends. You can record a cassette tape but no one has a tape player anymore. There are tons of free software on the web that does the same stuff as a professional recording studio with multi-tracks for overdubs.

If you want other people to play along, you can get someone to transpose your song to little dots on paper. If you have some change in your pocket you can hand your sheet music score out to an orchestra to play along.

You can upload your digital song to all sorts of sites to distribute to others and get critical reviews. You may go viral?

If you decide you want to perform the song in front of a live audience you’ll have to get a manager to book gigs, sell tickets, manufacture merchandise and arrange for transportation for you and your band. You’ll need a lawyer to handle any plagiarism issues or contract requirements. You’ll need an accountant to handle all the money that is flowing in trying to keep up with your star lifestyle.


What kind of song do you want to write?

Nursery songs are nice to put your baby asleep. A pop song would be fun to dance to. There is rock, soul, hip-hop, rap,…. Wear a pair of combat boots, stomp around and scream your heavy metal best (if your downstairs neighbors don’t mind). You can even write a protest song against all the disturbing news that fills our media everyday.

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