Monday, March 8, 2010

Brain Storm

The effort to create an idea usually requires several observations and input.

Gather a bunch of objective people in a quiet room and prognosticate an idea.

This used to be called creating a “Think tank”, but in reality it is getting different perspectives on the same problem.

Research and Development was the corporate development for a solution.

The goal is to come up with a solution to a problem.

Committees or commissions or focus groups can be formed, but the real objective of new ideas must be free spirited no-holds-barred, throw-it-on-the-table, out-of-the box, thoughts and wishes.

New ideas cannot be blocked by corporate politics or personal objectives.

Take a goal, wipe the board clean, and let the thoughts flow. There are no wrong views.

This process can take many turns and several days to complete, but if openly realized, new and possible profitable ideas can be discussed and details formulated.

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