Monday, March 8, 2010

Venue (Presentation Part 2)

When an artist or writer or any creative type is about to present their interpretation of their ideas to the public, must realize where the presentation will take place.

Here is an example.

The Virginia Wine Expo is a great venue to show examples of your creative ideas, but think about whom your audience is.

The people in the room have come to sample wine. They are showing their culture and taste.

So your presentation to this crowd must match their expectations.

Painting of wine glasses or bottles will fit the venue, but the tipsy customer must buy and carry the art that they had not prepared acquire.

In the interactive world, would it be better to show a slideshow of ideas on a computer screen. This method allows the viewer to select from a variety of ideas and even match with a room color or decor scheme.

If a sample is necessary to show the texture or style, bring it along, but show samples without carrying huge works.

Also remember the nature of the viewer.

If it is an Art in the Park venue, bring simple easy to carry samples of work, tourist attractions, sell on the story and move the product.

If it is a Wine Expo prepare to become an artist to be commissioned for future works.

And dress appropriately.

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