Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stretch Yourself

Do you feel comfortable in your art?

Have you settled into a style or media that expresses you?

Are you reproducing the same idea over and over and over again?

Then stretch yourself.

Start your next project with a different media.

If you normally are a painter, use pottery.

If you are a potter, try photography.

This will take you out of your comfort zone.

New materials will create a new approach and ultimately new ideas.

Many of us have used different media before, but have settled on what "we" feel we can best capture our thoughts. That's bull. "We" settle on what "we" think looks the best, and in many cases, sells.

Get out of the rut and shake things up baby! You are an expressionist of your times.

And those computer junkies get out of PhotoShop and shutdown. Get your hands dirty with pencils or pastels. Wipe some paint or ink around a textured background and you will feel it.

This how we explore. It's an adventure and it is available to you, so go for it.
Plus you will better appreciate others using these media for their expression.

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